Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mind Over Matter...?

I had my routine yearly MRI of my brain and spine the other day.
In March I will go to HEI for Dr. Slattery to review the scans.
Hopefully, he will say that everything is stable, but I will be very
surprised if my spine tumors have not grown.

Something is going on back there,
and has been for a few months.
When sleeping, I lay on my right side,
and my left arm falls asleep. All the time!
Also, there is this constant....ache in the area of my right shoulder blade.
I say 'ache' for the lack of a better word. It doesn't hurt,
I'm not in pain, I am just aware of this sensation that is foreign.
When I turn my head to the side, mostly the right side, I get this burning sensation that travels down my neck to my shoulder blade area.
It is more annoying than anything else.

You got to understand though, I am weird about pain.
If i don't see blood, scrapes, bruises or some other obvious trauma,
then it doesn't really hurt.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


OK, yesterday I was due to start 4 rounds/weeks
of chemo, but it was rescheduled until the 18th, next Wednesday.
All they did yesterday, was draw blood for testing,
and I had an appointment with Dr. Zu, my oncologist.
When I was dx'ed with Lymphoma Cancer (5/17/07)
I was in stage 4, there is no stage 5, stage 4 is as extreme as it gets.
Well, guess what? According to Dr. Zu,
I am in remission!
(I will still do the 4 weeks of chemo, to maintain the remission status)
It was my understanding, that Lymphoma doesn't really have a remission stage, but it is not evident in my system. It is dormant!
Dr. Zu said "I am reluctant to say you are cured, as many patients do relapse in the future, right now you are in remission."
Are you kidding? I'll take it! So my cancer is sleeping,
and so are my NF2 tumors etc.
Sweet dreams everyone!