Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I am behind on updating this....
Last week was my 'final' chemo treatment.
By 'final' I mean, no more chemo for 6 months.
Every 6 months, I will have 4 treatments.
One per week, for 1 month, for the next 2 years.
Not a big deal.
Especially with the 'port', it is a godsend, and has changed my entire chemo experiece.
Check out the video of the port being accessed last week.
Next week I will go have another PET Scan.
The results of that scan will determine if my chemo scheduale
has to change. I don't forsee that it will tho,
I feel fine.

I got the approval for the lip procedure,
I just hav'nt made the appointment yet.
The exact name of the procedure is
Accellular Dermal Replacement