Thursday, January 3, 2008


I had a pet/cat scan on Dec. 28th. I see Dr. Zu on Jan. 10th,
to discuss the results. This will show where the cancer stands.
In the past few weeks, I have only experienced 2 or 3 night sweats. (the #1 symptom of Lymphoma)
I have had a pretty severe cold, since Dec. 27th. At least I hope
its just a cold. I have a deep, dry, non-productive cough. My lungs are totally full of mucus, but I can't cough it up. Sometimes I can't even catch my breath. My breathing is very labored.
We almost went to the ER this weekend, but I refuse.
I could not see spending the entire day there, explaining NF2.
No was New Years day!
Yeah, I know, every non smoker in the world can say
"I told you so", but can you say addiction? Thats what it boils down to. I haven't had a ciggerette since Christmas day.
I quit. Yes I have quit before. I think I was about 15 years old when I started. I was a very heavy smoker for like 20 years.
The last 5 years have been on and off, on and off.


Unknown said...

Hope you feel better soon, your cold sounds miserable. I won't even lecture you on smoking because you already know how much I hate smoking. Love the sinner, hate the sin.

Anonymous said...

Sending ya Big Hugs girl!
Stay away from those cigs!
Ya know my thoughts on that as well heehee


Anonymous said...

I hope you get over the crummy stuff soon, KC, and have a good appointment. Keep your mind on the positives--no guilt feelings. I've got focus on your health for the long haul. Strength and healing vibes coming your way! Love, Jamie

Rebecca said...

LOL Jodi you are too nice!

KC cut the crap! Why in the hell are you smoking?????

Why exacerbate your problems? You know better!

It is a choice girl! Do you want to choose to live?
It is what it is. Don't compound the situation.

Throw them out and think of your friend running for you every time you think of buying a pack. The money you are spending on the cigarettes is money that you could be using to support your friend and contribute to the cause.

I am pretty adamant about this and will not give you any slack! I absolutely hate it that people smoke in the clean air space of innocent people. It is one thing if a person chooses to drink to an unhealthy manner as they are putting that into their own body and destroying it. HOWEVER, when one smokes not only are they sacraficing their own health but also stealing it/taking it away from others by polluting the air through stinky ass second hand smoke. There are kids who suffered from bad asthma attacks as their parent/parents smoked in their vicinity for years unknowingly also corrupting their families health.

This is the one issue I feel very strongly about so except a heavy lecture from me everytime you mention it. LOL That and littering I just cannot tolerate.

- Beck ;+)