Monday, March 24, 2008

March in a nutshell....

Last time I updated my blog and posted it on the nf2crew, I asked “are you guys sick of me doing this?” I received many many replies, both on and off the list, all positive. Thank you all for that.
It is overwhelming, yet great, to feel all the support.
March 13th, was my last bout of chemo. For this round anyway. Next month (apr) I will have yet another PET scan and Dr. Zu says “we will take it from there”
The day of the eyelid surgery, (3/19) they cancelled it. Grooooan! My insurance company says they are looking for a different doctor to perform it. So according to them, the surgery was not denied, it was ‘only’ cancelled and is still pending. Wtf is the difference?! From my understanding, they are not denying the service, just denying that doctor perform the service. Whatever, I am appealing the decision. Meanwhile, I have needed this eyelid thing for months now.
Last but not least, I saw a doctor who specializes in facial reanimation. I saw him on 3/21/08.
The doctor is Dr. Ritvik P. Mehta, M.D. Otolaryngology, Head & Neck surgery.
My appt with Dr. Mehta went fantastic! What a nice man he was, he was very thorough and just went out of his way to communicate with me, and answer ALL of my q's.
We discussed my different options (I have 3) and I decided I want what is called a Temporalis Muscle Transfer (T-FLAP). So he is going to start the process (?) for me to get that done. He said to call him in 1 week to set a date for surgery.


Cindy said...

what is with these insurance co's telling us what dr to operate on OUR bodies!! I thought this was land of the free. keep us updated on the face thing if you do it... and g luck

Unknown said...

I think the prospect of facial reanimation is super exciting!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well here's to a good scan when you have it.

What a pain with the delaying tactic for the eyelid surgery. Weird they waited until the day of surgery. So did the same thing happen with the facial reanimation, with them wanting to switch the doctor? I think I got things confused in list posts--I'm behind by about ten hours or so, but trying to catch up as I read instead of reading all posts, and then replying, because then I end up not replying.

Stay strong and don't let the Bs grind you down!

Anonymous said...

Yay KC no more chemo for now!! I hate insurance companies, its like they want to make things difficult. Facial reanimation sounds so hi tech!!