Monday, April 28, 2008

i'm stoked!

This just in, from my caseworker:
"The surgery with Dr. Mehta was approved. (FACE SURGERY) They emailed me the auth number yesterday. Go ahead and forget you ever had the visit with Dr. Westeren (IDIOT EYE DR) There is another doctor we would like to send you to...."

This is the most incredible news!
My face surgery was approved!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so thrilled!


Anonymous said...

whoooo! Yeah! Go KC! congrats girl I am so glad your insurance worked it out!

Anonymous said...

Aww Wonderful news girl!
I knew things would work out ~
Hang Tuff KC - you are a Trooper Girl!

Big Big Hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you!~ You always inspire me.

Big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

Great news KC and you desreve some of that!

Anonymous said...

Congradulations KC!!! Time to have some FABULOUS news dahling!!!

Hugs, Winny

Anonymous said...

"Bout f-ing time! That other eye doc was a real schmuck