Saturday, August 4, 2007

Chemo: round #3

August 2nd was my 3rd chemo treatment.
Before they started the treatment, I met with Dr. Zu. We discussed how I've been feeling in the last 3 weeks. He viewed my daily log of effects, and we talked about the fatigue I've been experiencing, my lack of energy. He offered to lower the chemo dosage, which I declined. I told him I want to hit the cancer hard! I can tolerate the fatigue. He was pleased by that.
Then they started treatment, which went well and seemed to go suprisingly fast! Suzanne was with me all morning, then she left to go run errands, I finished my book, and when she returned to get me I was all done and ready to go! Quick day!
I got home just before Geo who walked in with a huge and beautiful bouquet of lillies for me. ;-)
Then at 2 am, I awoke just feeling horrible! Really bad heartburn, the kind that fills your mouth with yuck stuff (acid?) and you gotta spit it out.
Did I mention I had the hick-ups? Very persitant ones, hick-ups and heartburn are not a good combo. hahaha
Plus trying to lay in bed with this happening was not working, everytime I'd get the 'mouthful' I'd choke. So I got my blankie and spent the rest of the night in the bathroom, on the floor, leaning againt the wall, in front of the toilet so I could spit that junk out. (gross huh? well I'm trying to keep an honest record of this experience so...)
Thats where Geo found me at 5 am, snoozing in the bathroom.
We arranged the pillows on the bed so I could sleep sitting up, and placed a bucket near the bed. He left for work and I snoozed the day away.
So.....the night of the 3rd chemo treatment was by far the worst so far.
Still, things could be a whole lot worse, I could be puking my guts out and bald. But I'm not, and I still have my hair!


Anonymous said...

KC just read this in Andrew Weil's newsletter. Ask you doctor about it might help your fatigue. Hang in there. Sharon

Supplements for Cancer Patients?
I just heard that ginseng benefits cancer patients. True? If so, how should it be used?
Answer (Published 6/21/2007)
Two studies presented at the 2007 meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, an association of cancer specialists, suggest that ginseng can help patients. Mayo Clinic researchers reported that American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) eased cancer-related fatigue. A group of 282 patients were randomly assigned to take 750 mg, 1,000 mg or 2,000 mg of Wisconsin-grown American ginseng or placebo for eight weeks. Those on the two highest ginseng doses reported that their fatigue was either moderately or very much improved. The 1,000 mg dose seemed to work best. A study to confirm these results is in the works. The researchers warned that commercially available products may not be as pure as the Wisconsin ginseng they used. Quality of this herb does vary widely, so look for standardized products that indicate the ginsenoside content (ginseng?s biologically active compounds).

Unknown said...

What a guy that Geo is! :)
Despite your heartburn and hiccups, you sound really good KC! I totally feel good energy and vibes coming from you!
Love and woof!

Anonymous said...

You are one tuff chick KC I am with you in spirit and love. Hang in there girl! Tell Geo hey for me.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Aww that's so cool that Geo got you flowers hun! He is an awesome guy!!!
You guys both Rock!
Sending cyber hugs girl...

Paula~ arf!