Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rainy day...

Yesterday the PET Scan went fine. Transpo turned out to be a FIASCO!
I had arranged transpo with Karen King, (caseworker) but at quarter to 11, my ride was still not here. Scan was set for 11 am. I was in a panic. Then Corky (a friend) showed up, so I had her drive me, and drop me off. I was sure I could get the company (called Secure) to pick me up.
The scan lasted about 1/2 hour, it was a breeze. Then I had the receptionist call Secure to come get me. I must have looked hungry, because she gave me a food voucher, and pointed me off to the cafeteria. I was starving at that point, and they have a really good cafe there. who knew?! lol
Now about an hour has gone by, still no ride. So I had the receptionist call Secure again, and she was told "we didn't drop her off, so we aren't coming to pick her up" what!!? She explained the situation and they still stuck by the "no drop off--no pick up" ugh Now what....
I had her call Corky, and she came and got me. It was like 3 pm once I finally got home. whew...bless that lady's heart for the food voucher!
No idea what happened with my transpo, someone just messed up. and I didnt contact Karen King, it would be pointless...she is on a 6 week sabatical, every other time she has arranged my transpo, it has gone perfectly. Sometimes shit just happens, it all worked out in the end.


Anonymous said...

woooooooooo,Number 6!!!!!!!!!!!
Im glad your nearing the end of this crap KC(atleast for today,but be positive:)
Love ya,Jimmy

Anonymous said...

Way to roll with it, KC! Hope scan results are great.
Hugs, Jamie

Unknown said...

hooray for free food!
luv ya KC!

Rebecca said...

Hey KC I am just catching up and have been thinking about you. I have a funny book to send you for your last treatment this week. I think you will like it! :o)

May you be blessed with a great week, a smooth 6th treatment, and good news on the horizon!

Remember to email me your mailing address today so hopefully the book will get there this week. It is an easy read and funny.

Love ya!

- Beck :o)

Jessicafhuo said...

woooooooooo,Number 6!!!!!!!!!!! Im glad your nearing the end of this crap KC(atleast for today,but be positive:) Love ya,Jimmy