Thursday, June 14, 2007


Yesterday i had an appointment with Dr. Zu.
(Suzanne took me to the appt., and Geo met us there)
Dr. Zu used my laptop to communicatte with me.
We discussed the results of my recent tests:
CT Scan - negative - it basically didn't reveal anything new.
Bone Marrow Biopsy - positive - the 'C' word is in my bones.
Dr. Zu said this is 'common' with this type of Lymphoma.
Plus, it wasn't a huge surprise, I was already told its in stage 3.
What I really wanted yesterday, was to get a plan of attack, er treatment,
schedualed. We cannot do that until the insurance approves it.
Thats another 7 to 10 days. Suzanne has Kerri (caseworker)
trying to rush the approval.
(note to self--think positive)


Unknown said...

"fight fire with fire" Keep kicking ass KC!

Anonymous said...

Your a Fighter Girl!!!

Think this is so awesome how Dr Zu communicates with you on the lap top! Way Cool!

Big Hugs!